Magazzini Generali Doganali Prato s.r.l.

about us


company profile

Our company works at the freight village of central Tuscany and has both general and custom warehouses for goods storage and all related operations:

  • Goods reception
  • Storage
  • Assembling/ packing / labelling
  • Picking
  • Distribution
  • VAT deposit
  • Custom deposit
  • Temporary custody deposit
  • Fiscal representation
  • International shipment hub (import – export)
  • Textile fibre conditioning / labelling

MGDP has all the necessary authorizations to work at national, foreign and European level. In particular we deal with third party storage, custom deposit, picking and logistic service in general and we operate in the logistic district of the freight village of central Tuscany, which is located near the Prato Est tollgate. We offer specific and combined logistic solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises who import and export their goods and have better efficiency and operative flexibility as their goals. MGDP tries to meet the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises looking out into international markets, providing a number of combined logistic and custom solutions that help SMEs to grow and be successful.


2,500 covered square meters of custom (and not) warehouses where you can find everything that is needed for custom logistics.

The custom warehouses are protected with anti-intrusion and fire prevention systems and they are connected in radio frequency with the central informative system. Fork lifts and cranes to lift containers and big machineries allow the deposit and movement of nonstandard and large-sized goods. The closeness to the Custom Office of Prato, one of the main custom sections of Tuscany and Central Italy, guarantees custom operations to be carried out swiftly.

MGDP is able to provide a careful, fast and secure service for:

  • Deposit for goods both in foreign state and nationalized
  • VAT deposit
  • Transformation under custom duty
  • Community transit and lorries regime
  • Textile conditioning

logistics services

Import Logistics

The logistical outsourcing designed for SMEs importing and distributing in Italy and Europe simplifies the goods flow with financial savings for over 30% of the purchase value of the goods. The goods received from the port/airport is directly put into the custom deposit, that is a deposit authorized for the custody of goods coming from outside the European Union in suspension of duties and VAT. Inside the deposit goods undergo some operations (“usual handling”), such as picking, assembling, packaging, groupage, degroupage. Goods are extracted (partially as well) according to the client’s needs, independently of when and in what conditions they were introduced into the deposit. The client communicates which goods they want to extract and MGDP provides for custom operations and distribution on the territory. In case they are sold in countries outside of the EU, goods are shipped with no custom operation (import export) and without paying duties and VAT.

VAT deposit

With MGDP you can bring to Italy goods coming from abroad without them being subject to VAT: financial exposure is reduced and operations inside the UE are simplified thanks to fiscal deposit. VAT deposit is a warehouse where it is possible to put, guard and subject to operations community or national goods already released for free circulation (i.e. “imported”) without them being subject to VAT. VAT deposit allows to simplify VAT fulfillment on the following operations.

Fiscal representation

Economic operators who do not reside in Italy and want to enter the national market can fulfill the deriving fiscal obligations and exercise the related rights in three ways:

  • Create in Italy a table organization, through which they can operate (this is an extremely onerous option);
  • Identify themselves as taxable subject, with a VAT registration number (this possibility is provided only for subjects residing in the EU)
  • Name a fiscal representative, living in Italy and with a VAT registration number. With this last option, the fiscal representative provides for invoicing, registration and settlement of the tax due in Italy.

The optimal solution:

With the assistance of fiscal representation, companies from outside the EEC can fulfill the obligations or exercise the rights deriving from the VAT application related to taxable operations made or received on Italian soil.

international shipment hub

A hub for shipping agents where any kind of custom operation can be handled to simplify the goods flow and reduce import costs. Goods coming from abroad (with Carnet TIR and ATA too) is cleared through customs in a few hours and can be put into our custom warehouses, with temporary custody (A3) or direct custody (A4) regimen. Thanks to fork lifts with great payload we can handle big and heavy goods too. We also act as gathering point for goods in export.

logistical outsourcing

MGDP is the privileged speaker for SMEs that wish to outsource the management of logistical process for storage and distribution. MGDP provides its expertise to develop the activities of the supply chain, such as: reception, storage, orders preparation, packing, assembling, labelling, documents issue, quality control, standard and express distribution.

custom advice and assistence

The expertise and the competence gained by our operators throughout the years guarantee a custom advice service aimed at the feasibility study of projects and subsequent implementation both within and outside our company.

mgdp - magazzino

service labeling Certificati Etichettatura

The Labelling and Public Conditioning of textile materials service, run by the company Magazzini Generali Doganali di Prato at the laboratories of the state technical institute “Tullio Buzzi”, carries out these activities:

Labelling of textile materials service

The laboratory performs analysis aimed at determining the qualitative and quantitative fibre composition of textile products (raw materials, semifinished and finished products), including determining the fibre composition of textile products containing precious animal fibres (e.g. cashmere, mohair, angora, etc.). Tests are performed in compliance with chemical, microscopical and manual separation methods as described in national (EU regulation 1007/2011) and international (e.g. ISO, AATCC, ASTM norms; GB, etc) legislations. The laboratory, provided with sophisticated tools (e.g. scanning electron microscope [SEM]), offers a valued service in performing analysis on textile products containing precious animal fibres; this activity is internationally recognized, as the laboratory is accredited by the US institute CCMI (Cashmere and Camelhair Manifacturers Institute – Boston).

Public conditioning of textile materials service

The laboratory determines the commercial mass (conditioned weight) of textile materials. This service operates in compliance with both national (UNI) and international (IWTO) technical norms and is internationally accredited by FLI (Federazione Laniera Internazionale) – IWTO (International Wool Textile Organisation) and by the LABINTEX circuit.


Via di Gonfienti 4, snc - 59100 Prato PO
TEL. 0574 591341/42 - FAX. 0574 595901